Text on image reads, Summer Camps, K-12. Register

What’s Happening

Back to school night
Parent night for middle school
Popcorn Friday
Spring Break March 17-21

Dear UHE Families,

The Christmas, Valentine’s and end of year class parties are not designed for large numbers given the limited space of the classroom. Those occasions are designed to foster and encourage fellowship in a fun and informal way between and among peers and their teachers in a small and familiar space. Please know that it’s not that we want to exclude anyone; it is so we can celebrate the classroom of learners.

We also want to express our unequivocal commitment to parent and community engagement in the life of our school in support of our students. Such events as awards assemblies, Monster Mash, choir concerts, etc. are all events held in large enough spaces to safely accommodate large numbers and are held explicitly to involve and engage our parents and community. In many of those events our PTA and parents are active and welcomed planners and participants.

Thank you for understanding.

UHE Administrative Team


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